Smallpox and other viruses plagued humans much earlier than suspected
Smallpox and other viruses plagued humans much earlier than suspected
Genetic research is rewriting the history of diseases.
Genetic research is rewriting the history of diseases.
Leaks at Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church National Historic Park, where Martin Luther King, Jr. served as pastor, have left crumbling plaster and stains on the ceiling.
Leaks at Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church National Historic Park, where Martin Luther King, Jr. served as pastor, have left crumbling plaster and stains on the ceiling.
Genetic research is rewriting the history of diseases.
Genetic research is rewriting the history of diseases.
Smallpox & other viruses plagued humans much earlier than suspected.
Smallpox & other viruses plagued humans much earlier than suspected.
Researchers have been able to fish out fragments of pathogen DNA from remains since the 1990s. And in the past decade, next-generation DNA sequencers that can read myriad short snippets — useful for sequencing DNA damaged after hundreds or thousands of years
Researchers have been able to fish out fragments of pathogen DNA from remains since the 1990s. And in the past decade, next-generation DNA sequencers that can read myriad short snippets — useful for sequencing DNA damaged after hundreds or thousands of years
The analysis also implies that the virus was circulating in humans even earlier: at least 1,700 years back, in the turbulent period around the fall of the Western Roman Empire, when many peoples were migrating across Eurasia.
The analysis also implies that the virus was circulating in humans even earlier: at least 1,700 years back, in the turbulent period around the fall of the Western Roman Empire, when many peoples were migrating across Eurasia.
Now, genetic evidence is starting to uncover when smallpox first started attacking people.
Now, genetic evidence is starting to uncover when smallpox first started attacking people.
Such a great finding. Smallpox seems to have plagued humanity for a long predated history
Such a great finding. Smallpox seems to have plagued humanity for a long predated history
>"Genetic research is rewriting the history of diseases."
>"Genetic research is rewriting the history of diseases."
Pathogen Detection Mechanism Each species of pathogens carries with it a unique DNA or RNA signature that differentiate it from other organisms.
Pathogen Detection Mechanism Each species of pathogens carries with it a unique DNA or RNA signature that differentiate it from other organisms.
The researchers traced this family tree using a ‘molecular clock’ approach: they measured how much the ancient and modern lineages differed, and used the rate at which genetic differences accumulate to calculate how much time had elapsed since the lineages split. This analysis suggests that their most recent common ancestor lived around 1,700 years ago (see ‘Ancient smallpox’)?
The researchers traced this family tree using a ‘molecular clock’ approach: they measured how much the ancient and modern lineages differed, and used the rate at which genetic differences accumulate to calculate how much time had elapsed since the lineages split. This analysis suggests that their most recent common ancestor lived around 1,700 years ago (see ‘Ancient smallpox’)?
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.