© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
THE IRWIN COUNTY Detention Center in Ocilla, Georgia, squats glumly in dun-colored fields. The barbed wire enclosure where the detainees get their outside time abuts one side. Like others in hundreds of detention centers around the United States, it looks like a zoo enclosure, as if the builders were unconcerned with the degradation it would impose on the human beings inside. All the ills of the federally mandated but privately run prison complexes of America can be found here but in more egregious iterations: the food is not just terrible, it contains cockroaches and other pests; the women sleep on dirty mats in tiny spaces; there is no way to sanitize, even as a pandemic is in full force, and new inmates gathered up at the border arrive every day. There is no consistent Covid-19 testing, and consequently no adequate treatment.
THE IRWIN COUNTY Detention Center in Ocilla, Georgia, squats glumly in dun-colored fields. The barbed wire enclosure where the detainees get their outside time abuts one side. Like others in hundreds of detention centers around the United States, it looks like a zoo enclosure, as if the builders were unconcerned with the degradation it would impose on the human beings inside. All the ills of the federally mandated but privately run prison complexes of America can be found here but in more egregious iterations: the food is not just terrible, it contains cockroaches and other pests; the women sleep on dirty mats in tiny spaces; there is no way to sanitize, even as a pandemic is in full force, and new inmates gathered up at the border arrive every day. There is no consistent Covid-19 testing, and consequently no adequate treatment.
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