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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69473 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
We all love money legos, and obviously, blockchain is a promising solution to many issues we have with big data, censorship, and contractual interactions. But at what cost? "While not as bad as Bitcoin, a single Ethereum (ETH) transaction is estimated to have a footprint on average of around 35 kWh [4], releasing close to 20 Kg of CO2" (average household uses 28.9KWH / day) Will layer 2 be a suffiecent solution and how will blockchains evolve? Will quantum computing solve some of these issue? Do we care more about enviromental impact, or collecting crypto beanie babies? We are the generation most concerned by global warming, but we also feel locked out of a rigged financial system. Are there peer to peer solutions like Urbit, that we are leaving behind in our race towards decentralization?
We all love money legos, and obviously, blockchain is a promising solution to many issues we have with big data, censorship, and contractual interactions. But at what cost? "While not as bad as Bitcoin, a single Ethereum (ETH) transaction is estimated to have a footprint on average of around 35 kWh [4], releasing close to 20 Kg of CO2" (average household uses 28.9KWH / day) Will layer 2 be a suffiecent solution and how will blockchains evolve? Will quantum computing solve some of these issue? Do we care more about enviromental impact, or collecting crypto beanie babies? We are the generation most concerned by global warming, but we also feel locked out of a rigged financial system. Are there peer to peer solutions like Urbit, that we are leaving behind in our race towards decentralization?
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