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A community for the latest discussions about the cutting edge of crypto design, it's culture and significant crypto news. Decentralize everything. Check out our [Community Guidelines](https://relevant.community/crypto/post/6122269e61d1cd005a877277/62427d3ed587ad005b647828)
53502 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
>"What are CryptoPunks packing down there? That’s what one new limited-run avatar NFT project, CryptoJunks, is sharing with the Internet. The CryptoJunks project uses the head and shoulders art of CryptoPunks to create matching genitalia. There’s tentacle penises, peeing pee-pees, regular ole schlongs; pink, coiffed lady parts, peach punani and sadist snatches, where the hand seen in the image is holding a whip. And they all come (not intended) with cute names -- like “Not Financial Advice” below -- that will have you searching through what equates to a cartoon porn site."
>"What are CryptoPunks packing down there? That’s what one new limited-run avatar NFT project, CryptoJunks, is sharing with the Internet. The CryptoJunks project uses the head and shoulders art of CryptoPunks to create matching genitalia. There’s tentacle penises, peeing pee-pees, regular ole schlongs; pink, coiffed lady parts, peach punani and sadist snatches, where the hand seen in the image is holding a whip. And they all come (not intended) with cute names -- like “Not Financial Advice” below -- that will have you searching through what equates to a cartoon porn site."
>"What are CryptoPunks packing down there? That’s what one new limited-run avatar NFT project, CryptoJunks, is sharing with the Internet. The CryptoJunks project uses the head and shoulders art of CryptoPunks to create matching genitalia. There’s tentacle penises, peeing pee-pees, regular ole schlongs; pink, coiffed lady parts, peach punani and sadist snatches, where the hand seen in the image is holding a whip. And they all come (not intended) with cute names -- like “Not Financial Advice” below -- that will have you searching through what equates to a cartoon porn site."
>"What are CryptoPunks packing down there? That’s what one new limited-run avatar NFT project, CryptoJunks, is sharing with the Internet. The CryptoJunks project uses the head and shoulders art of CryptoPunks to create matching genitalia. There’s tentacle penises, peeing pee-pees, regular ole schlongs; pink, coiffed lady parts, peach punani and sadist snatches, where the hand seen in the image is holding a whip. And they all come (not intended) with cute names -- like “Not Financial Advice” below -- that will have you searching through what equates to a cartoon porn site."
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.