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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69462 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
“Liberalism — like the necessarily undemocratic capitalism for which it serves as an alibi — seeks to reduce human life to a predictable, exploitable, profitable minimum. It adopts the simplest social ontology (individualism) to make its formalism work, to make its algorithms or procedures appear universally applicable. Liberalism demands a strict division between form (the system of rules) and content (the messy details of social entanglement) to make reality tractable to its logic. Artificial intelligence likewise requires that its form (code) be separate from its content (data). Machines require the simplest possible data on which to work (binary numbers, for example) to make their procedures uniform and generalizable and the world computable.”
“Liberalism — like the necessarily undemocratic capitalism for which it serves as an alibi — seeks to reduce human life to a predictable, exploitable, profitable minimum. It adopts the simplest social ontology (individualism) to make its formalism work, to make its algorithms or procedures appear universally applicable. Liberalism demands a strict division between form (the system of rules) and content (the messy details of social entanglement) to make reality tractable to its logic. Artificial intelligence likewise requires that its form (code) be separate from its content (data). Machines require the simplest possible data on which to work (binary numbers, for example) to make their procedures uniform and generalizable and the world computable.”
"So what may have begun as artificial intelligence’s attempt to emulate human intelligence has become a political project that attempts to reduce human intelligence to the programmability of the machine" - spot on. Tech/govt rulesets creating a closed system of social feedback
"So what may have begun as artificial intelligence’s attempt to emulate human intelligence has become a political project that attempts to reduce human intelligence to the programmability of the machine" - spot on. Tech/govt rulesets creating a closed system of social feedback
>"Liberalism and AI share the political project of eliminating human difference" >"Liberalism and AI share the political project of eliminating human difference"
>"Liberalism and AI share the political project of eliminating human difference" >"Liberalism and AI share the political project of eliminating human difference"
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.