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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
This is an easy call. If the Trump administration insists on executing the murderers of ISIS, there is a chance they will walk free soon. The alternative is to throw them in a dark cell for the rest of their lives—starting now. If we lock them away with no trial, we make them living martyrs. If we make the boneheaded decision to execute them, then they become dead martyrs.” The families of ISIS's victims are asking for justice
This is an easy call. If the Trump administration insists on executing the murderers of ISIS, there is a chance they will walk free soon. The alternative is to throw them in a dark cell for the rest of their lives—starting now. If we lock them away with no trial, we make them living martyrs. If we make the boneheaded decision to execute them, then they become dead martyrs.” The families of ISIS's victims are asking for justice
I admire these families but wouldn’t use terms like fortitude and grace because they imply that victims’ families who feel otherwise are weak or vengeful. I hope to never find out, but my guess is grace is that last thing I’d want to express if I were them.
I admire these families but wouldn’t use terms like fortitude and grace because they imply that victims’ families who feel otherwise are weak or vengeful. I hope to never find out, but my guess is grace is that last thing I’d want to express if I were them.
I hope I would. Eva Kor was able to forgive Josef Mengele [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva_Mozes_Kor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva_Mozes_Kor)
I hope I would. Eva Kor was able to forgive Josef Mengele [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva_Mozes_Kor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva_Mozes_Kor)
So, a trial for ISIS members detained at Guantanamo Bay? Real question. I mean if they’re declared innocent are they then not a martyr? Maybe the RPG wasn’t really loaded! it was all for show! So they could be a martyr!
So, a trial for ISIS members detained at Guantanamo Bay? Real question. I mean if they’re declared innocent are they then not a martyr? Maybe the RPG wasn’t really loaded! it was all for show! So they could be a martyr!
When you see full video of Japan journalist head cut off you might think differently
When you see full video of Japan journalist head cut off you might think differently
If someone tortured and murdered your child, would you have the fortitude and grace to demand that no violence be done to them in return? Two members of ISIS are in custody, and four American families are demanding justice, not blood
If someone tortured and murdered your child, would you have the fortitude and grace to demand that no violence be done to them in return? Two members of ISIS are in custody, and four American families are demanding justice, not blood
THE FAMILIES OF ISIS. [https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/08/families-isiss-victims-are-asking-justice/614908/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/08/families-isiss-victims-are-asking-justice/614908/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share) The United States can bring them to trial in federal court, probably the Eastern District of Virginia, whenever it likes.
THE FAMILIES OF ISIS. [https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/08/families-isiss-victims-are-asking-justice/614908/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/08/families-isiss-victims-are-asking-justice/614908/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share) The United States can bring them to trial in federal court, probably the Eastern District of Virginia, whenever it likes.
... hatred creates even more hatred. Both sides should know it... obviously they do but they live to hate
... hatred creates even more hatred. Both sides should know it... obviously they do but they live to hate
Save Your Family Guys Dont Follow this Organization 🤞
Save Your Family Guys Dont Follow this Organization 🤞
“If anyone deserves to die, it’s these guys,” Carl Mueller, Kayla Mueller’s father, told me. It is hard to convey how twisted the ISIS kidnappers were. They collected hostages for reasons that could fairly be called psychopathic. They abused them recreationally. They raped female hostages, including Mueller. And they taunted the families of their victims—demanding enormous sums of money, or prisoner swaps, with full knowledge that the only outcome of this process would be the death of those families’ children. ISIS never even revealed the burial site of the victims’ remains.
“If anyone deserves to die, it’s these guys,” Carl Mueller, Kayla Mueller’s father, told me. It is hard to convey how twisted the ISIS kidnappers were. They collected hostages for reasons that could fairly be called psychopathic. They abused them recreationally. They raped female hostages, including Mueller. And they taunted the families of their victims—demanding enormous sums of money, or prisoner swaps, with full knowledge that the only outcome of this process would be the death of those families’ children. ISIS never even revealed the burial site of the victims’ remains.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.