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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
““Trads”—supporters of traditional forms—claim that modern architecture is foisted on the public by a willful avant-garde. Yet the Art Deco Empire State Building and Maya Lin’s raw Vietnam Veterans Memorial have become two of the country’s most beloved designs. In fact, the style war being waged on the right is rooted in a misconception. Most American architects today work in a mode you could loosely call modernist, but not as a matter of ideology. It’s simply an efficient approach to creating buildings such as high-rises and hospitals with sophisticated modern needs, using contemporary materials and technologies.”
““Trads”—supporters of traditional forms—claim that modern architecture is foisted on the public by a willful avant-garde. Yet the Art Deco Empire State Building and Maya Lin’s raw Vietnam Veterans Memorial have become two of the country’s most beloved designs. In fact, the style war being waged on the right is rooted in a misconception. Most American architects today work in a mode you could loosely call modernist, but not as a matter of ideology. It’s simply an efficient approach to creating buildings such as high-rises and hospitals with sophisticated modern needs, using contemporary materials and technologies.”
One of the problems with this (beyond the practical and structural) is the way in which the rigid control of aesthetics (enforced by rule or law) can play a role in creating a fascistic culture.
One of the problems with this (beyond the practical and structural) is the way in which the rigid control of aesthetics (enforced by rule or law) can play a role in creating a fascistic culture.
Also nice on this topic: Duncing About Architecture – The ignorance and racism behind the right-wing push for “classical” federal buildings by Kate Wagner [https://newrepublic.com/amp/article/156509/donald-trump-war-on-architecture](https://newrepublic.com/amp/article/156509/donald-trump-war-on-architecture)
Also nice on this topic: Duncing About Architecture – The ignorance and racism behind the right-wing push for “classical” federal buildings by Kate Wagner [https://newrepublic.com/amp/article/156509/donald-trump-war-on-architecture](https://newrepublic.com/amp/article/156509/donald-trump-war-on-architecture)
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.