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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
An examination of labor-value commodity chains therefore reveals the exploitation hidden in today’s international transactions. The labor-value commodity chains approach acknowledges various components largely missing from the other global-chain frameworks, or not previously brought into systematic relation, namely: (1) global capital-labor relations; (2) the deep wage inequalities between the global North and global South; (3) differential rates of exploitation on which the global labor arbitrage is based; and (4) the phenomenon of value capture. Most importantly, this approach incorporates the labor theory of value as an analytical tool in order to provide a more effective critique of the contemporary global political economy.91 All of this helps us understand how the global commodity chains of monopoly-finance capital—the power configuration behind today’s neoliberal globalization—are rapidly changing class relations and struggles worldwide.
An examination of labor-value commodity chains therefore reveals the exploitation hidden in today’s international transactions. The labor-value commodity chains approach acknowledges various components largely missing from the other global-chain frameworks, or not previously brought into systematic relation, namely: (1) global capital-labor relations; (2) the deep wage inequalities between the global North and global South; (3) differential rates of exploitation on which the global labor arbitrage is based; and (4) the phenomenon of value capture. Most importantly, this approach incorporates the labor theory of value as an analytical tool in order to provide a more effective critique of the contemporary global political economy.91 All of this helps us understand how the global commodity chains of monopoly-finance capital—the power configuration behind today’s neoliberal globalization—are rapidly changing class relations and struggles worldwide.
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