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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69462 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Very important discussion going on right now regarding antibiotics. They are important and necessary but also at times one dose can also destroy systems in the body forever. which happened to a friend of mine who now has chronic illness. People should be aware that side effects of some of the antibiotics received for having a bladder infection or bronchitis can lead to the total inhibition of a human immune system. Be very aware of what your given by a doctor and read all side effects before, it could save your life.
Very important discussion going on right now regarding antibiotics. They are important and necessary but also at times one dose can also destroy systems in the body forever. which happened to a friend of mine who now has chronic illness. People should be aware that side effects of some of the antibiotics received for having a bladder infection or bronchitis can lead to the total inhibition of a human immune system. Be very aware of what your given by a doctor and read all side effects before, it could save your life.
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