Top news from the gaming industry. **Rules:** 1. No news roundups, promotions or offers 2. No off-topic or low-effort content or comments 3. No illegal content or inflammatory language 4. No reposts
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Top news from the gaming industry. **Rules:** 1. No news roundups, promotions or offers 2. No off-topic or low-effort content or comments 3. No illegal content or inflammatory language 4. No reposts
7996 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
In late 2019, I was presented with a rare and exciting opportunity. At the time I was working for Trader Joe’s. It was my first grocery store job after nearly ten years of working in restaurants. Some small, hopeful part of myself thought that the change in post and pace might refresh me after so many years as a slave to knives and ovens.
In late 2019, I was presented with a rare and exciting opportunity. At the time I was working for Trader Joe’s. It was my first grocery store job after nearly ten years of working in restaurants. Some small, hopeful part of myself thought that the change in post and pace might refresh me after so many years as a slave to knives and ovens.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.