A focused study group for the discussion of economics and economic policy.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A focused study group for the discussion of economics and economic policy.
32036 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Our economies are neither purely 1 or the other. All are a combination in facets of multiple ideologies. We had unfettered capitalism in the US in the early 20th century, but while enormous economic growth happened at that time, life was still pretty terrible for the average workers with horrible exploitation and child labor. And we've never seen a purely communist economy in place, because it would be literally impossible for a single entity in the government to be able to direct resources and needs of every single citizen and industry of an entire country. Ever since the 20th century, our economies have continued to be a hybrid of capitalism and socialism. Conflating any mention of Karl Marx to a full on communist government/economy is just pseudointellectual partisan brainshitting. Same with conflating capitalism to only bad shit that happens.
Our economies are neither purely 1 or the other. All are a combination in facets of multiple ideologies. We had unfettered capitalism in the US in the early 20th century, but while enormous economic growth happened at that time, life was still pretty terrible for the average workers with horrible exploitation and child labor. And we've never seen a purely communist economy in place, because it would be literally impossible for a single entity in the government to be able to direct resources and needs of every single citizen and industry of an entire country. Ever since the 20th century, our economies have continued to be a hybrid of capitalism and socialism. Conflating any mention of Karl Marx to a full on communist government/economy is just pseudointellectual partisan brainshitting. Same with conflating capitalism to only bad shit that happens.
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