>"A game designer has sparked controversy after entering an AI-generated artwork into a state fair competition — and taking home first prize in his category. Jason Allen used AI text-to-image software Midjourney to create the artwork."
>"A game designer has sparked controversy after entering an AI-generated artwork into a state fair competition — and taking home first prize in his category. Jason Allen used AI text-to-image software Midjourney to create the artwork."
“Algorithms are now involved in hiring processes, performance monitoring, customer services, HR decision-making, etc. Although these systems seem to be ubiquitous and omniscient, they are not ready to replace humans.”
“Algorithms are now involved in hiring processes, performance monitoring, customer services, HR decision-making, etc. Although these systems seem to be ubiquitous and omniscient, they are not ready to replace humans.”
>"In a cross-platform special with Right Click Save, Charlotte Kent speaks to artist Anna Ridler about how the uncanny systems of the blockchain shatter our common-sense understanding of time"
>"In a cross-platform special with Right Click Save, Charlotte Kent speaks to artist Anna Ridler about how the uncanny systems of the blockchain shatter our common-sense understanding of time"
Where in the embryo does the person reside? Morphogenesis – the formation of the body from an embryo – once seemed so mystifying that scholars presumed the body must somehow already exist in tiny form at conception. In the 17th century, the _...Read More_
Where in the embryo does the person reside? Morphogenesis – the formation of the body from an embryo – once seemed so mystifying that scholars presumed the body must somehow already exist in tiny form at conception. In the 17th century, the _...Read More_
"While intelligent machines can outperform humans in manifold tasks, as well as learn new ones, they literally do not understand what they are doing. Understanding comes from context. The uniquely human labor of filling in the cracks _...Read More_
"While intelligent machines can outperform humans in manifold tasks, as well as learn new ones, they literally do not understand what they are doing. Understanding comes from context. The uniquely human labor of filling in the cracks _...Read More_